A Couple of Random Thoughts to End the Year 2016  



From the Melanated Man:

I hope everyone has enjoyed their holidays so far. If you don’t observe the holidays, have enjoyed some well-deserved time off anyways. I’m doing my best thus far, got through Christmas, which may be the last one I officially observe for myself. I can’t speak for my wife, my kids who have already been brainwashed by the propaganda and Santa Claus and the fairy tale of Jesus Christ (at some point I WILL do a post on that one!), nor my other loved ones who have been caught up in the madness since before I came into existence.

Since I gotten over the “give-me, gift-me, eat-yourself-to-death” phase of Christmas of my adolescence, there has been one, only one, constant about the holidays that I have adored.

Being around my family. Seeing loved ones that I don’t see often is always a treat for me. I’m very BIG on family.

And that is the only thing about the holidays that I can tolerate at this time in my life. Besides that, the overindulgence of overcooked, dead food and  material consumption is played out for me, they can have that! I hate to separate myself from the others, but at the end of the day, I have to do what’s best for the Melanated Man, for me lol.


Enough of that, you get that picture. Moving on

I have a couple of random thoughts that I have on my mind that wanted to share that had intended to turn into posts but decided against it for reasons I’ll explain later.


Thought #1: Who is Jill Stein?

I read this article (click link for original) a little over a week ago about Jill Stein (the Green Party’s presidential candidate), who she is and questioning what her true intentions could be concerning her attempt to demand a voter recount of the recent presidential election. There were some nuggets that I was not aware of, such as she has a Jewish background. Most of us know the role Jews have played in the media/entertainment and behind the political scenes, to the detriment of Melanin-Dominant people. I’m not saying everyone who is a Jew is a devil or whatnot.But you always have to be wary of individuals who have a high-profile platform, especially in this paradigm, to influence the masses. What bothers me is the website Black Agenda Report, which I truly admire for their honesty and tenacity, was pushing the Jill Stein and Green Party very hard. Especially since a frequent writer of theirs Ajamu Baraka, Melanin-Dominant male, was her running mate. I always felt funny about that entire ordeal, because of my thought process concerning our participation in the game of politics in the first place! And the article on Jill Stein only intensified that flame for me.

We, Melanin-Dominant family, did not create this system, thus we should not even be trying to fit into it. It’s not for us!

Was Jill Stein’s choice of Ajamu Baraka as her running mate a play to draw us back in?

With the way Black Agenda Report backed the Green Party, is it a sign that the a good bit of us who claim to be conscious on the Black struggle, may not be aware of who and what we’re dealing with concerning that struggle?

When are we going to wake up and break away from this Matrix?


Thought # 2: If you don’t use it, you lose it??

The other day, I decided to accompany my mom to see one of her home health clients. She’s a nurse. We had a conversation concerning church and singing in the choir. My mom mentioned that I could sing and that I used to sing in the church choir and male chorus. Her client asked me if I still sung in the choir and of course I said NO. I haven’t stepped in a church in maybe a year and some change, and that was for a visit. They both smirked and said a line that I have heard a million times in my thirty years on this earth…

“If you don’t use, you will lose it. God will take it away from you.”

I could only chuckle inside to myself.

Now, with the things I know, read about, seen. and have experienced for myself thus far, that statement is not true. In my mind, it should be rephrased as such…

“If you abuse it, you will lose it. The God in you will depart from you.”

God is in you, my Melanin-Dominant family, not outside of you. Your melanated body, your temple, is the dwelling place for the God in you. IF YOU ABUSE IT WITH DEAD PROCESSED ARTIFICIAL FOOD, DRUGS (LEGAL AND ILLEGAL), AND ANYTHING ELSE UNNATURAL TO IT, YOU WILL LOSE THOSE GIFTS THAT WERE BESTOWED UPON YOU THROUGH THAT TEMPLE!

That’s my line of thinking on that topic.


Thought #3:  Live the life you want to live!

A remember a long while back, I may have been in college or just graduated from college, but anyway, my cousin’s wife, who I love dearly and look up to, told me that I had not lived enough or experienced enough in my life. Admittedly, I was sort of shy and I really didn’t do alot of things or go out on the town, so to speak. Wasn’t a big party-hearty guy at all. I did like to  travel as a youth up until young adulthood, and I looked forward to doing even more as I gotten more established.

At the time I was kind of offended, maybe because it did have some truth to it that I was not willing to accept of myself.  I did not go by the standard “things to do before I grow old and die” list like everyone else. I kept to myself and did my own thing for the most part. I wanted the simple things in life: a satisfying well-paid career, a wife and some kids,  and a decent house to call home. Indeed I was/am a simple man. Maybe  I was embarrassed and insecure about that fact at the time.

That’s certainly not the case now. I accept that fact wholeheartedly. There is nothing wrong with simplicity. Minus the satisfying well-paid career part, which I’m working on at the moment (to be a entrepreneur!), I have achieved my goals and look to achieve even more as I move forward in my life.

I said all of that to say that there is nothing wrong with being you. If you desire the simple life, there’s nothing wrong with that. Once you understand and know who you are, as long as you respect and acknowledge the Laws of Nature (Ma’at), you do you. When the entire world tries its damnedest to let you know that being you is not good enough, you be you my Melanin-Dominant man/woman. In this day and age, that’s a risk in itself.

But it’s a risk worth taking. Whether you take it or not, either way, you life depends on it.


That’s all of the thoughts I have brewing ladies and gents!



I just want to say thank you to everyone who had followed and read my blog thus far this  year. It has been an experience and revelation sharing my thoughts with you all. It’s hard to meet people who share a smidgen of the same thoughts you may have in person just because of the volatility of the times. I’m truly grateful that there are others out there like myself who only wish  for all of us to experience this life, as the Melanin-Dominant people we are, in a better dynamic than we are currently in collectively as a group. I know and believe that is our ultimate goal at the end of day. I have much love and respect for all of you.

I’m taking a semi-hiatus from the madness for a couple of months, to catch up some things i.e. like finishing my memoir, reading, writing some poems, getting back to sketching, etc. I may post some of my sketches and/or poems every now and then just to stay fresh. Keeping it light, nothing more than that. That’s why I’m calling it a semi-hiatus. I  don’t want to completely fall off the face of WordPress, you know?!

Although we go by an imaginary business calendar and not Mother Nature’s own natural calendar, I’m gonna say Happy New Year anyway and wish you all the very best moving forward.

Keep up the good fight and be encouraged definitely!

I’m signing off…


Peace and Love to my melanated family,

The Melanated Man

9 thoughts on “A Couple of Random Thoughts to End the Year 2016  

  1. Much love fam. Yea we will hold it down for you. That is awesome that you sketch and are going to re-center yourself. I like the part about gifts. Sometimes we have gifts that are not for ourselves but are for others.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. “Was Jill Stein’s choice of Ajamu Baraka as her running mate a play to draw us back in?
    With the way Black Agenda Report backed the Green Party, is it a sign that the a good bit of us who claim to be conscious on the Black struggle, may not be aware of who and what we’re dealing with concerning that struggle?”
    Yeah I know a few people that were pulling for Stein. I heard her do an interview in which she said black people deserve reparations. She said the reparations should come in any form black people would like. I think this may have drawn a few black people to her camp. I subscribe to Black Agenda Report as well. They have some really good articles. But I didn’t like the hit piece they did on Frances Cress Welsing. They dissed her after she passed! That was in very poor taste. After that I looked at BAR with a side-eye.

    “I said all of that to say that there is nothing wrong with being you. If you desire the simple life, there’s nothing wrong with that. Once you understand and know who you are, as long as you respect and acknowledge the Laws of Nature (Ma’at), you do you. When the entire world tries its damnedest to let you know that being you is not good enough, you be you my Melanin-Dominant man/woman. In this day and age, that’s a risk in itself.”
    Very well said! You summed it up well!

    Liked by 2 people

    • I seen that post on BAR. It didn’t bother as much as this thing with promoting the Green Party. When you try to be politically correct, which they do, it dilutes the message especially when it comes to our liberation…thanks on the props.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. My parents are 61 and 71 and this is the second year in a row that they gave me a gift on Christmas but said “Happy Kwanzaa Eve” lol so there is hope! But I understand doing what you have to do to keep your soul right.

    So glad I found your blog! I look forward to seeing your artwork and reading more from you. Take care.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Good piece – and I like your points about Jill Stein. The philosophy and activism of the Green Party is not very organized and, in the final analysis, can become superficial. The Green Party talks about environmental issues – but there is scant analysis of how black folks and Native Americans are disproportionately positioned near toxic waste dumps. The Green Party needs to be “blackened” – thus meaning, if it is to have any liberatory praxis, it must center on the Slave and the so-called Red Savage.

    The Green Party only sounded good in comparison to the other poor choices we had.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: ED vs EL: My Perspective on the Modern Means of Transportation, such as the Car | The Melanin Man

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