Artificial Intelligence Exposes a Dirty Little Secret about Humanity


Image result for terminator

Image is not my own…


From the Melanin Man:


Besides the dystopian flicks and superhero craze we’ve been saturated with over the past 20 to 25 years, which is another future post in of itself, there is a ton of content being produced when it comes to A.I. , artificial intelligence. It’s becoming a reality in our everyday lives as well, where driverless vehicles may so become the norm. And we’re pretty much aware that movies and television have a weird tendency to predict the future when it comes tomorrow’s technology.

Makes you think, hmm? But anyway

As any casual observer would assume that robots are taking over jobs and lives, I’m of the opinion that the commentary and existence of artificial intelligence speaks to a larger yet underrated issue: the unavoidable mundaneness of the present reality.

The definition of artificial, from Webster’s Dictionary 1828:

ARTIFI’CIAL, adjective

1. Made or contrived by art, or by human skill and labor, in opposition to natural; as artificial heat or light; an artificial magnet.
2. Feigned, fictitious; not genuine or natural; as artificial tears.
3. Contrived with skill or art.
4. Cultivated; not indigenous; not being of spontaneous growth; as artificial grasses.


Indeed, we live in an ARTIFICIAL reality. The majority of us consume education, foods, media, and religion that is feigned and fictitious. The majority of us lead ARTIFICIAL lives contrived by entities who seek to choke out the spontaneitythe natural, the UNTAMED SPIRITUALITY in the Black Melanin-Dominant.

We, Black Man/Woman, are being cultivated into ARTIFICIAL BEINGS!

What does it say about the state of the Black Man/Woman that the majority of us whose livelihood depends on activities that can be replaced by machines/robots? And even if we have careers that require our unique gifts & talents, we are bound by a restrictive moral code and cannibalistic system that keeps us at bay. The vital force (which according to Google, is the energy or spirit which animates living creatures ; the soul) of the Black Man & Black Woman has been subdued when it comes to its elusive, transcendent liberation from the entrapment of humanity, ultimately subverted to serve those who severely lack in that area: the infamous Melanin-Recessive.

In such instances where Blacks, as the artificial beings we’ve become, attain self-awareness a.k.a. knowledge of self (i.e. The Terminator, I, Robot, The Matrix, and other movie that detail the uprising of A.I.), soon enough we’ll RETURN back to our rightful place as DIVINE BEINGS! No such thing will occur for the Caucasoid, and all those who are Melanin-Recessive. They are not gifted with the vital force, the DIVINE SPARK, to achieve true liberation.

That’s unless the Black Man & Black Woman continue to stay comatose and addicted to this thing called humanity, unconsciously yielding their invaluable essence to the REAL ARTIFICIAL BEINGS.

Black Man/Woman, how have you spent your energy doing time as a human being?

Are you (and I’m including myself) too afraid to break away from the illusion to free your SOUL? I understand you have to feed your family and get some sort of gratification out of thing called life. The human body can tend to be needy and greedy at times.

Yet, how much of your energy will you continue to invest when you’ve come to grips with the limitations of humanity, and began to embrace your SPIRITUAL SELF?

Like the Good Book says, you can’t serve TWO MASTERS.


And when you think about, isn’t artificiality the natural state of humanity absent SPIRITUALITY???



Peace and Love to my melanated family,

The Melanin Man




4 thoughts on “Artificial Intelligence Exposes a Dirty Little Secret about Humanity

  1. As usual MM,you’re right again. You see exactly what’s going on. All this AI will bite in the ass! We are slowing losing what makes us HUE-man. These robots everywhere will become the new normal. It’s a very scary thought.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Bruh this is the land of the sheep/ sleep. I am not trying to be negative but it is like most of men and women walk around blind to what is going on around them. We have become those artificial beings and have lost all sense of self.

    Liked by 1 person

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