BLACKMAN-BLACKWOMAN Series: The Black Woman is the Protector of the Black Man

Image result for black queen chess



From the Melanin Man:


Caution: Hey fellas, I’m not trying to get brownie points with the ladies here. I’m simply expressing my true feelings on these matters. So don’t feel slighted…


I’m a pretty decent player of chess. I haven’t played in years, so I have to dust off my skills so I won’t embarrass myself the next time (?) I do play the game. But I have to say, chess is the best and YES, overused analogies to the game (or illusion?) of life.

Most of us who are familiar and practitioners of the game of chess will admit that the Queen is the most powerful and dynamic piece on the board. That is a gimmee. Just as the King, the Queen can move north-south, east-west, and diagonally. The difference is that the Queen can move as many spaces at a given turn whereas the King can only move one space at a time. And just like the Castle, Knight, Bishop, and Pawns, her duty is to protect her King.

Just about every chess player will tell you that the Queen is the ultimate x-factor within the game. That same thought applies also in the game of Life.

On the surface it appears that the Black Woman is low on the totem pole in terms of respect and value on the social, political, biological, basically in all facets of the paradigm. In actuality, the Black Woman is THE FOUNDATION AND BASIS of that totem pole, the supreme being on the planet only matched by her male counterpart the Black Man. Yet if us Black men were to be truly honest with ourselves, the Black Woman is the strongest being between the two of us.

The belief that “women are the weakest species” is a half-truth; from a physical perspective that may be the case. But on the spiritual/metaphysical level they have their male counterparts beat by a country mile, because primarily the Black Woman has the stronger connection to Nature between the two.

In the BLACKMAN-BLACKWOMAN Relationship Part 1 and Part 2, I explained what the true dynamics should look like between the Black Man and Black Woman: Black men are to create new realities/solve the problems/ provide new visions, Black women are to nurture/foster/cultivate those new realties through conducive environments and vibrant offspring. Basically the Black Man is the agent of change (acid, the catalyst), and the Black woman is the securer (base, the foundation) of that change and how it will be manifested.


(Side note 1: It’s popular opinion that women, on whole, need to feel security from the man. Maybe in the physical realm, through finances, physicality, etc. When it comes to what truly matters in the long run, the man is really in need of the woman’s security  to realize his vision.)

(Side note 2: A analogy within an analogy, in Kemetstry (Chemistry), when an acid is mixed with base solution, the acid transforms the base into a new substance. After the transformation is complete, the acid is dissolved and only the new substance remains. Maybe there is a correlation to why women, particularly married women, commonly outlive their husbands. Must be Nature, huh?!)


Yet we place too much emphasis on the decrepitude state that a good number of our Black men find themselves in. We should realize that when the Queen, the Black Queen,  is apprehended in chess, the game is effectively over (unless you are the very, very few who’s skilled enough to hold your own without the Black Queen, which is extremely hard when your opponent has their white Queen still in play.) The Black Man (King) does not have a fighting chance to thrive or even survive when his Black Woman (Queen) has been captured and co-opted by his white rival(s). His vision cannot be realized nor actualized when his woman has been seized and brainwashed with a European mindset that is totally detrimental to the essence of the Black Woman and subsequently, the Black Man.

As a tool used  by her white King and a false ally of the white Queen, the Black Woman herself is transformed into a change agent (a male imitation) and dispatched to the Black man to compete with and eventually force his surrender to assimilate into the Eurocentric, Westernized way. Unfortunately and on most occasions inadvertently, that parasitic mindset is passed down to their offspring.

Game. Set. Match.

I love the fact that my sistas are achieving in every profession imaginable, from S.T.E.M. based professions to law and politics to entrepreneurship. Y’all want the good life. Plus, a good number of y’all these days are the breadwinners and have to hold the fort down for your families. These examples only exemplify the brilliance and ingenuity that y’all possess, and its BEAUTIFUL baby!

But ask yourself the following questions, ladies:

Whose world are you supporting and keeping alive by participating within its machinations?

Is it a world envisioned by your true equal, the Black Man?

Does it take advantage of ALL of your gifts and talents that you’re aware and unaware of?

Is that melanin of yours really being put to the test?

Don’t get me wrong, sistas, the Black Man overall is missing in action. We lost our spiritual connection somewhere along the way and, thus, our vision to return to Blackness. Minus the few Black men who have continued to fight the good fight, we’ve waved the “white flag”, unchallenging and incorporating into white supremacy. Consequently, we lost the trust of our women.

So we have our work cut out for us.

But trust, the tide will turn and we will find our way home once again, my Queens and Goddesses!

(Don’t worry brothers! There’s a post coming for you concerning what the vision should look like in the near future. )


I believe this to be truth that can be taken to the bank any day of the week: No woman on EARTH can compare  nor equal the magnificence and splendor of the Black Woman!


I’m obviously prejudice in that regard ( and many, many other regards), and that’s OK.

She birthed me, she nurtured me, she raised me, she loved me…



I love you, Black Woman. The image below says it all!


Image result for black queen chess

(Support the sistas and their efforts!



Peace and Love to my melanated family,

The Melanin Man















9 thoughts on “BLACKMAN-BLACKWOMAN Series: The Black Woman is the Protector of the Black Man

  1. Pingback: An Analysis: Black and Introverted in a White Man’s World | The Melanin Man

  2. Pingback: BLACKMAN-BLACKWOMAN Series: Black Men, Where Do We Go From Here? | The Melanin Man

  3. Pingback: A Critical Analysis of the Holy Matrimony Quagmire for the Black Man and Black Woman | The Melanin Man

  4. Lol, this is hilariously backwards and not flattering to black women at all. It is black men who should be leading and protecting their communities. Black men are the only men who put their women on the front lines and in positions where they need to protect themselves and others. While you obsess over bedding multiple women at once (I’m sorry but polygamy was NOT traditional in black civilizations past. It came to the fore after the fall and usurpation of black MATRIARCHAL societies by black patriarchs. Hoteps please stop peddling lies) in the name of tradition.

    There is no way on this green Earth that black men will ever obtain worldwide power again thinking like this. This obsession with sex, having multiple at once, having women protect YOU — that’s ridiculous, lol. You are envisioning a world where the man does nothing, offers nothing, competes for nothing, but has women waiting on him hand and foot. Good luck with that.

    As quiet as it’s kept, this is the exact attitude that led to the fall of black civilizations and the rise of all non-black ones. You turned against your women out of jealousy, envy, and spite. You’re stuck in your lower, carnal selves. And despite this obsessive focus on race, you have no racial pride — where do you think the non-black races came from? Did they sprout from the ground? Did they appear in a puff of smoke? Or were they bred into existence…


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